Student Suicide Rate in India Outpaces Population Growth

According to an examination based on the data from National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) the number of students suicides in India has been dramatically rising; overtaking both populations growth and general trends in suicide. The report, titled “Student Suicide: An Epidemic Sweeping India”, reveals a 4% per year rise in student suicides over the past 2 decades; twice of the national average. In the year 2022, male made up 53% of these suicide victims however in comparison to the previous year the number of male suicides dropped by 6% ; meanwhile the number of female suicide rose by 7%.

According to the reports, the student suicide exceeds both population growth rated and general suicide trends. With a significant increase from 6,654 to 13,044 cases over the last 10 years. States like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh are recorded to have the highest number of student suicides; considering for one-third of the national total. Furthermore the main reason for the lack of reporting student suicides are social shame, criminalisation of attempted and assisted suicide.

The founder of IC3 Movement highlights the need of acknowledging mental health issues in school and all the educational premises;  moving the focus from competition to overall well being. The report highlights the necessity for action and asks for improved counselling facilities and a better knowledge of students’ aims.

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