Jawaharlal Nehru University student leader Kanhaiya Kumar who was released from jail on bail received a hero’s welcome at the campus on Thursday evening. In a defiant speech, he took shots at the government tearing into charges of sedition against him and said he had faith in India’s Constitution and democracy.
“We don’t want freedom from India, we want freedom in India,” Kanhaiya thundered in his speech, drawing long pauses of claps and whistles from the audience.
From Arvind Kejriwal to Meenakshi Lekhi, here’s how the Tweeple reacted to the whole situation:
Heard Kanhaiya's speech many times. Amazing clarity of thought expressed wonderfully.He said wat most people have been feeling.God bless him
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) March 4, 2016
BJP, you'll regret having done all of this, & soon! #KanhaiyaKumar stay real, stay strong. India needs more of you! https://t.co/7T7KwtKacR
— VISHAL DADLANI (@VishalDadlani) March 3, 2016
InterimBail order #KanhaiyaKumar case akin 2 order of conviction with conditions on probation #JNU celebrates reprimand exorcise illogical
— Meenakashi Lekhi (@M_Lekhi) March 3, 2016
If you're driven by hate, anger and stupidity, you score self-goals like arresting a man as brilliant as #KanhaiyaKumar for sedition.
— Mihir Sharma (@mihirssharma) March 3, 2016
Just few days in Jail..& now #KanhaiyaKumar says he believes in Indian constitution, courts, respects India & doesn't need azadi from India
— Paresh Rawal (@Babu_Bhaiyaa) March 3, 2016
एक भाषण से हीरो बन सकते थे. पागल थे सरहद पर खून बहा दिया.
— Sweta Singh (@sweetasingh) March 3, 2016
Rockstar #KanhaiyaKumar: Indian politics' latest startup
— Milind Deora (@milinddeora) March 3, 2016
Can't remember the last time a speech by a youth leader (or a communist!) got so much attention. #KanhaiyaKumar
— Vikram Chandra (@vikramchandra) March 3, 2016
Super speech by #KanhaiyaKumar. And great to see the energy in JNU. A bit disappointed at the lack of the naked dancing I had heard about.
— Ramesh Srivats (@rameshsrivats) March 3, 2016