Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali ayurvedic medicines have launched ‘Coronil’ anti-Coronavirus tablets which will prevent the spread of the deadly coronavirus. Ayurveda- The forgotten history and principles of Indian traditional medicine.
#coronavirus #covid-19 #ayurveda #babaramdev #patanjali #coronil #anticoronavirustablet
Patanjali’s Corona Kit is helpful for corona patients who are NOT on ventilators. @yogrishiramdev has said we are testing on critical patients too. But mild n moderate covid 19 patients can be cured with 100% success rate. Hats off to #Patanjali & respect for Ayurveda. #CORONIL pic.twitter.com/zXfGiWJuzs
— Bhartiye Nagrik (@videsichora) June 23, 2020
The whole world’s scientists and doctors are searching for the cure of COVID-19. #PatanjaliAyurved launching Coronil today. It’s an evidence-based Ayurveda Medicine.
#coronavirus #covid-19 #ayurveda #babaramdev #patanjali #coronil #anticoronavirustablet
#BabaRamdev To Launch ‘ #Coronil‘ For #Covid_19 Treatment Today, First Evidence Based #Ayurvedic Medicinehttps://t.co/oaUCtkxGFo
— ABP News (@ABPNews) June 23, 2020
If #CORONIL successfully treats #COVID19, then this medicine by Patanjali will prove to be the biggest leap of Ayurveda in recent times and will increase the faith of the world in Ayurveda by leaps and bounds.
— Priyanka (Astrology Guidance) (@AstroAmigo) June 23, 2020
I sincerely pray to Mahadev and Dhanvantari ji to give us relief!
If #CORONIL works as stated, it will be revolutionary & once again put #Ayurved back in Global map.
— Arun Pudur #WFH (@arunpudur) June 23, 2020
Western medication even with its side effects, was used because Mlecchas destroyed all our universities & research.
Ignore #LeLiJi, let @PypAyurved success shut them down. https://t.co/gPA5WoPBMG
Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali Ayurved launches its medicine for #COVID19 named #CORONIL
— All India Radio News (@airnewsalerts) June 23, 2020
Baba Ramdev says Patanjali has prepared the first Ayurvedic-clinically controlled, research, evidence and trial based medicine for COVID19. #IndiaFightsCorona pic.twitter.com/qAzk3cDZe9