Zomato Employee Pranked by Colleagues : A Cautionary Tale

In today’s fast-paced corporate world, maintaining a fun and engaging work environment can be a challenge. But for one Zomato employee, the lighthearted atmosphere at her workplace resulted in a hilarious prank that quickly went viral. Niharika, a member of strategy team of Zomato in Gurgaon, learned the hard way why leaving her laptop unattended was a risky move.

The Prank That Stole the Show

Taking to social media platform X (formerly Twitter), Niharika shared a screenshot of the prank her colleagues had pulled. Using her Slack account, they sent a company-wide message announcing that she was getting married in February. Furthermore, they invited her colleagues to join in the celebration with a brownie party at 5 PM. The message read: 

“Hey guys, sharing a life update, getting married in February. Please keep 5 PM free for a small brownie party.”

The post immediately garnered attention, amassing over 1 lakh views, and users couldn’t get enough of the fun-filled mischief. Many commented that they were envious of Niharika’s office environment, while others shared their own similar experiences of workplace pranks.

A Common Tradition in the Workplace

Interestingly, Niharika’s experience at Zomato wasn’t an isolated incident. In fact, users subsequently chimed in with stories of their own. They recalled, for example, how they had been either victims of or participants in similar pranks. As a result, a broader conversation emerged about the importance of device security. One user shared that their colleagues had once sent an email on their behalf. Another explained that such pranks formed part of a broader company culture aimed at encouraging employees to lock their laptops and safeguard client data. As one user pointed out, these pranks can also foster team bonding, creating fun memories and building stronger relationships in the workplace.

Explore netizens reactions here:-

Takeaway: Laughter and Learning Go Hand-in-Hand

While pranks like these may seem trivial, they serve a larger purpose. In an era where data security is paramount, small pranks can act as reminders for employees to take cybersecurity seriously. They help employees stay vigilant while promoting a culture of trust, friendship, and camaraderie.

Niharika’s viral post serves as a lesson for anyone who leaves their laptop unattended. But it also highlights the importance of enjoying the lighter moments at work and appreciating colleagues who bring joy to the day-to-day grind. 

In the words of one social media user, “Have fun… Make memories with them. Not all are blessed with a fun team!”

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