Bollywood superstar Ranveer Singh on Monday penned a special note to mark national award-winning filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s glorious 25 years in Indian cinema.
Ranveer Singh dug out two behind-the-scenes pictures which feature him on the sets of his films with the iconic director. Sharing the pictures, he penned a long note in the caption in which he described what working with the legendary filmmaker actually means.
“My bond with SLB is very deep. I have done my best work with Him. He is a master of his craft and a true artist. Whenever you are directed by him you have a tremendous growth spurt as a performer. He challenges you, he pushes you to deliver a performance that’s visceral, spirited and comes from a place deep within you. He enriches and inspires you. He nurtures his actors and extracts their very best performances,” Ranveer wrote.
“He has an ability to raise the stakes of the conflict in shooting a film scene, such that achieving that gold standard, that degree of excellence often feels like moving target, and he makes you feel like hitting that target is a matter of life and death,” the 36-year-old superstar wrote.
He further shared that the iconic director pushes one in a way that propels and ensures that “you win this hard-fought battle with your own constructs.”