What Amazon SAYS to Etsy Sellers. Amazon Vs ETSY.

ETSY is a Handmade products seller marketplace and has 20.8 million Active buyers as per reports. Amazon is set to wipe a huge chunk off this by launching its own AMAZON HANDMADE, a marketplace for handmade goods, aimed directly at competing with Etsy. This is being reported by WSJ. Etsy sellers use Twitter and other social platforms frequently to promote unique products.

The interesting part is that Amazon is approaching the Etsy sellers through direct e mailers saying, “We’re offering artisans like you a first peek at Handmade, a new marketplace for handcrafted goods.” The business Insider reports that the comissions structures could play an important part in the success of Amazon Handmade. Etsy takes 3.5% of the price and a flat 20 cents per listing, but Amazon charges its own 3rd-party sellers a 15% commission. Let us se how Amazon handles this.

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