The couple, who appeared together in Rahul’s music album, first spoke about their love for each other while Rahul was a contestant on the reality shows Bigg Boss 14. In one of the episodes of the show, Rahul picked a white T-shirt with the words, “Marry me?” written on one side. As Rahul popped the question on Disha’s birthday, the other side of the T-shirt featured the words “Disha HBD (Happy birthday day),” with a heart emoji.
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Now, months after the show, Rahul has shared a photo of the T-shirt, this time being held in Disha’s hands. In a series of photos and videos, Disha is seen posing with the T-shirt. Along with the post, Rahul wrote a note describing how special the garment was to him and that he intended to frame it. He wrote, ” T-shirt I can never ever forget…Had proposed to my girl using this. Gonna frame it.”
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