Suhana Khan shared stunning pictures on her Instagram handle. Gauri Khan was the one who turned photographer for her daughter Suhana. In the pictures, Suhana can be seen being her stunning self dressed in a white top and blue denim shorts. Suhana captioned the post: “Pretend it’s a Pepsi and I’m Cindy Crawford.” Gauri Khan, posting a similar set of pictures on her Instagram profile, wrote: “Yes! Blue is my favourite colour.”
#suhana #suhanakhan #gaurikhan #daughterofsrk #stunning #insta #pictures #whitetop #denim #shorts #love #saidlist #comments #like #share
#Trending: #SuhanaKhan‘s poolside photoshoot by mom Gauri Khan draws SRK’s attention!
— Zee News English (@ZeeNewsEnglish) July 24, 2021
Suhana Khan has inherited her love for acting from her father Shah Rukh Khan. She studied films at England’s Ardingly College and is currently a student at New York University. Suhana is also featured in a short film titled The Grey Part Of Blue, directed by Theodore Gimeno.
#GauriKhan clicks stunning poolside pictures of #SuhanaKhan; #ShahRukhKhan drops a comment
— BollyHungama (@Bollyhungama) July 24, 2021
#SuhanaKhan sets internet on fire with her hottest look 🔥
— Suhana Khan Club (@SuhanaKhanClub) July 23, 2021