“Never Give Up” is one of the phrases we all come across at times when we face difficult situations in our lives. But this is that phrase that keeps us going no matter what the situation is. We can’t be sure when success will come knocking our doors and so we should be determined and remember that giving up is not an option.
We know believing that is easier said than done, so we collected the following stories of people who faced challenges in their lives but never gave up.
- J.K Rowling
Soon after conceiving the idea for Harry Potter, Rowling began writing but was immediately pulled away from her work by the devastating death of her mother. Rowling ceased working on the book and sank into a deep, grieving depression, getting little to nothing accomplished in that time.So to get out of it and focus more on her book, she took a job teaching English in Portugal for a year.
Things did not go as planned.
She went through a divorce, was on government aid, and could barely afford to feed her baby in 1994. She was so poor she couldn’t afford a computer or the cost of photocopying the 90,000-word novel, so she manually typed out each version to send to publishers. It was rejected dozens of times until finally Bloomsbury, a small London publisher, gave it a second chance after the CEO’s eight-year-old daughter fell in love with it. - Warren Buffett
Warren Buffet is among the self-made billionaires. Buffett worked in his grandfather’s grocery shop and adopted many other means of income like selling cold drinks, weekly magazines, stamps and chewing gums door to door and delivering newspapers. It is said that he bought his first stock of shares at the age of 11 and now he regrets that he started too late. Warren yearned to work for Graham and that too without any fees. But he was refused the job and soon he came back to Omaha. He then started pursuing classes on “Investment principles” during which he also purchased a gas station, which unfortunately didn’t turn out to be profitable for him. Buffett operated five partnerships for a year. Brick by brick he reached the ultimate position by extending and expanding his business while planting himself with a position on the Board of Sanborn. Finally, Warren Buffet became a millionaire and merged all his partnerships together into one and now is the 4th richest person in the world. - Walt Disney
The Walt Disney Company is one of the largest media cooperations in the world in terms of revenue. His family was not well–off, Walt and his brothers worked as paperboys and didn’t have much time for school. He had so little money to pay the rent, being forced to live with friends and often going without food. Today Disney rakes in billions from merchandise, movies and theme parks around the world. He was fired by a newspaper editor because “he lacked imagination and had no good ideas.” After that, Disney started a number of businesses that didn’t last too long and ended with bankruptcy and failure. He kept plugging along, however, and eventually found a recipe for success that worked.