Special Olympics Medal tally makes India Proud. 47 Gold medals. What a Show!

The Indian contingent that participated in the Special Olympics has returned back with Bags full of Gold, Silver and Bronze. With a haul of 47 Gold 54 Silver and 72 Bronze, the Indian players brought home a total of 173 Medals. The event held in New York between 25th July to 2nd August.

USA had the maximum number of Medals followed by China and India got a very respectable 3rd position with this huge tally of 173 Medals. Special Olympics are the pinnacle of the capability of the human will. The amputee Swimmers, the blade runners and each one of the athletes is a story of huge courage and will power in itself.

Rajdeep Sardesai aired an interaction with the athletes highlighting the achievements when most other channels were busy with the regular Masala shows

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