Shoelace – Lets Tie Together!

Google’s has launched a new social networking app, ‘Shoelace’ that connects people around the world with same interest. One can list their interests in the app and allows the App to recommend you various hand-picked activities call as “Loops.” Currently, it is testing in invite-only phase in New York.

But, people showed their disapproval on Google’s new development.

After Google+, it’s not actually a social network site rather a product which connects the real world people having same interest. Developed by Area 120, an experimental team of Google, Shoelace found to be similar to Schemer; another event organizing app from Google launched in 2011 but was shut down in 2014.  

Unlike Facebook, Whatsapp, Meetup etc. this app connects people locally with same interest and help in developing a real world connections, instead establishing friends network online only.

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