Before the release of Marathi movie ‘Baba’ on 2nd August, it has been officially selected for Golden Globes 2020 thus competing with the foreign language movies. The movie Baba depicts the emotional bond between Father and his son. Deepak Dobriyal in the lead role and directed by Raj R Gupta, this emotional centric movie Baba also featured actors Nandita Patkar, Aryan Menghji, Chittranjan Giri, Spruha Joshi and Abhijeet Khandkekar.
Check out our review of the Marathi film #Baba starring @deepakdobriyal, #NanditaPatkar, #AryanManghji, @spruhavarad, @RjAbhee #ChittranjanGiri & #JaywantWadkar. @duttsanjay @SanjaySDuttProd #BlueMustang @maanayata_dutt @ashoksubhedar
— Box Office India (@boxofficeindia) August 2, 2019
Wow! @SanjaySDuttProd‘s #Baba to be screened at #GoldenGlobes 2020. Read deets:@duttsanjay @maanayata_dutt @ashoksubhedar #BlueMustang @RAjRGupta2 @deepakdobriyal
— Box Office India (@boxofficeindia) August 5, 2019
Sanjay Dutt tweeted that this film was dedicated to his dad Lt. Sunil Dutt ji who remained with him at every walk of life.
Dedicating our first Marathi film “BABA” to the person who remained steadfast in my life through everything! Love you Dad.#BabaOn2Aug – produced under the banner of @SanjayDuttsProd & @bluemustangcs
— Sanjay Dutt (@duttsanjay) June 18, 2019
Directed By: @RAjRGupta2
Fans were happy on Sanjay Dutt’s come back with his own production and praying for his and his production’s success.
Baba is back
— Rahul Thakor (@RahulTh36868014) August 8, 2019
Bollywood ka original betab badsah
Congratulations!! May your production house make many more gems !
— rahul dholakia (@rahuldholakia) August 8, 2019
The vision of Sanjay S Dutt Productions is to root in regional cinemas while keeping his eyes on Bollywood films. Under his production, they have three films – a Punjabi film and two Hindi films.
Talking to media, Sanjay Dutt said, “I feel content driven films are very important but apart from that, we will make commercial and entertaining films as well and we will make all kinds of cinema.”