Looks like Priya Prakash Varrier, who shot to overnight fame after her wink in a song went viral, will be stepping into the Telugu film industry soon. Her debut movie will be the Malayalam Oru Adaar Love, which is set to release on February 14 to coincide with Valentine’s Day. This film is being dubbed and released in Telugu as Lover’s Day. Recently, the gorgeous actor was in Hyderabad for the promotions of Lover’s Day and created quite a stir. She was the cynosure of all eyes. While fans went into a frenzy, filmmakers seem to be queuing up to sign her up for their films. Going by all the attention she is getting, Priya Prakash Varrier may soon be inking a deal in Tollywood.
#LoversDayAudioLaunch Stills#PriyaPrakashVarrier #AlluArjun pic.twitter.com/ODGzvZhRFX
— VIJAY RAGAVA R (@Vijay_ragava) January 24, 2019
. @priyaprakashv_‘s Latest pictures#PriyaPrakashVarrier pic.twitter.com/aOigtWNxwI
— S.G.Prabu (@sgprabuofficial) January 24, 2019
Sources in the know say that director Vikram Kumar has approached Priya for his next film. Nani is already onboard this project and if Priya accepts, they might be sharing screen space. Also, this will be Priya’s first direct Telugu film.
Megha Akash was reported to be in talks with Vikram Kumar for this project but now Priya Prakash’s name has been thrown into the ring as well. An official announcement on the heroine is expected to be out once the deal is struck.
I’m so Mallu that
While NaMo talked about #ExamWarriors
I was fantasizing about
PRIYA PRAKASH VARRIER! 😥 #GGSpot pic.twitter.com/JV9KJaDFSS— K Venugopal Menon (@VenuSpeak) January 29, 2019
Yet another interesting evaluation about this yet to be titled film is that it will also feature Siddharth in the star cast. But the star will be cavorting the main opponent. Sources in the know say that Siddharth accepted the role as it would give him enough scope for staging.
Been using the Samsung Galaxy M Series phone and I’M AMAZED by its Infinity V Display! Want to know… pic.twitter.com/BW957mJoO0
— Priya Prakash Varrier (@PriyaVarrier___) January 28, 2019
Interestingly, Vikram Kumar had directed the 2009 Yavarum Nalam / 13B, a psychological horror flick which had turned out to be a smash hit. The film starred R Madhavan and Neetu Chandra as the shepherd pair.
Vijay Sir is Mass ….#vjsethupathi is My favorite 😎😎#ThalapathyVijay #vijay#Thalapathy63 Priya Prakash Varrier’ pic.twitter.com/lU5AAsZDyh
— Vijay__Actor (@Vijay__Actor) January 24, 2019
From yesterday #LoversDay #AudioLaunch@alluarjun 💝💝 pic.twitter.com/Rnc1vfPjmx
— Priya Prakash Varrier (@priyapvarrier) January 24, 2019
#PriyaPrakashVarrier fun time with #Alluarjun at #LoversDay Audio launch 😍 pic.twitter.com/sLiEMmCsAd
— BuzZ Basket (@ursBuzzBasket) January 23, 2019