Petition Filed on Supreme Court for not Inviting President of India in the Inauguration of Parliament House

The inauguration ceremony of the parliament house is to be held on Sunday. The parliament house will be inaugurated by the Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi. The list of guests has been issued. Not only, The first member of India, the president not going to inaugurate the building, but she also is not even invited to the ceremony.

The petition has been filed by supreme court lawyer CR Jaya Sukin in supreme court regarding this negligence of the central government. The claim is made that she is not invited because she belongs to a scheduled tribe.

TMC leader Abhishek Banerjee slammed the BJP and said that the President’s name is not even featured on the invitation card because she belongs to the ST community. He asked if the post of prime minister is bigger than the post of president.

It is considered an insult to Mrs. President. This incident is compared with the foundation ceremony of ram mandir and parliament house where Former President Ram Nath Govind was not invited because he also belongs to the SC community.

Few invited guests of the Opposition parties have a condition that they will join the ceremony only if the president also joins. This news is trending with hashtag blackdayofindia on Twitter.
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