Pakistan’s anti-terror court grants bail to Hafiz Saeed

Most spectacular show of Pakistan’s anti-terror court where they granted a bail to Hafiz Saeed on July 15, 2019, a mastermind of 26/11 Mumbai attack.

He has been tagged as “National Treasure of Pakistan”.

Though the Imran Khan’s government was under pressure to act against terrorism and Financial Action Task Force (FATA) directed Pakistan to keep out the terrorist operations but still they will do to keep themselves in news.

 Hafiz Saeed, the chief of Jamat ud Dawa (JuD), founder of Lashkar-e-Taiba and UN designated terrorist had 12 accomplices for terror funding and 23 terror-related cases in Pakistan. But due to lack of evidences, government had granted him bail.

Pakistan has received many allegations of aiding terrorists and its anti-terror efforts yet it still keep on developing many national treasures like Hafiz Saeed to boom in terrorism.

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