The shooting happened around 10 p.m. local time near the site of a Chinese Lunar New Year celebration, according to the US newspaper, citing law enforcement sources and witnesses. Tens of thousands of people gathered on Saturday for the start of the Lunar New Year festivities, one of the region’s largest events.
According to the report, the injured were taken to several hospitals in the area. It was unclear whether a suspect had been apprehended. The Chinese Lunar New Year celebration is one of the largest in the area. There have been some fatalities, according to internal police communications.
People were eating skewers and shopping for Chinese food and jewelry earlier in the day on Saturday. The New Year’s Eve celebrations were scheduled from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Social media videos revealed the presence of police and fire units on Garvey Avenue, as well as the treatment of victims.
As reported by LA Times, injured people were transported to various hospitals throughout the region. According to the report, Seung Won Choi, owner of the Clam House seafood barbecue across the street from where the shooting occurred, said three people rushed into his restaurant and told him to lock the door.
In accordance with the report, three people told him that there was a man with a machine gun in the area. People also told Choi that the shooter had multiple rounds of ammunition on him.
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