Internet went C-R-A-Z-Y When Zayn Malik Was Slammed With Racist Abuses Like “Punjab” & “Curry Scented B*tch”

Zayn Malik recently released his latest music video ‘Like I Would’.

And it didn’t go so well with rapper Azealia Banks. She accused him of copying her Yung Rapunxel video.

She Inta-Slammed Zayn;

Damn Zayn be mood boarding the fuck of out me 😳.. I’m not mad about this though. Zayn is a cutie pie

A photo posted by Azealia Banks (@azealiabanks) on

Zayn then tweeted;

Then Azealia Banks went on a twitter rant and started abusing the shit out of Zyan.

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She still didn’t stop. It was like she was in her own world.

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While She kept shouting racist slurs, people made fun of her and many other things.

Many verified twitter personalities declaimed her!

And in no time, #curryscentedbitch became a trend:

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