India Elected as UN Statistical Commission Seat for 4 Years

India has won a major victory by being chosen to serve a four-year term on the United Nations Statistical Commission. According to reports, India got a commanding 46 out of 53 votes, beating South Korea (23), China (19), and the United Arab Emirates. (15).

The United Nations Statistical Commission, which was founded in 1947, is the highest authority in the international statistical system, gathering together the Chief Statisticians of all the member nations. The United Nations Economic and Social Council selected the 24 member nations that make up the Commission based on a fair geographical division

It is in charge of establishing statistical standards, developing concepts and methodologies, and ensuring their application at both the national and international levels. It is the highest decision-making body for international statistical activities.

Who are others members of the same elected along with india?

.Argentina, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, Ukraine, the United Republic of Tanzania, and India were chosen by acclamation, while Argentina, Argentina, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, Ukraine, and the United States of America were chosen by secret vote.

Seven members are from Western European and other States, five members are from African States, four members are from Asia-Pacific States, four members are from Eastern European States, and four members are from Latin American and Caribbean States.

The terms of Kuwait, the Republic of Korea, Japan (2024), and Samoa, who are currently members of the Asia-Pacific States, are all coming to a close this year.

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