IC 814 Survivors Reveal Shocking Truth Behind Netflix’s Series

In a gripping revelation, survivors of the infamous IC 814 hijacking have spoken out about the Netflix series, IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack, which has stirred controversy for its portrayal of the hijackers. While the series has faced backlash for using Hindu codenames for Muslim terrorists, survivors Rakesh and Pooja Kataria have come forward, asserting that the series has portrayed the truth—though with a twist.

25 Years Later : The Harrowing Ordeal Relived

The Katarias were returning from their honeymoon in Nepal when their lives took a tragic turn. Recounting the seven-day nightmare, Rakesh admitted he couldn’t bring himself to watch the show. “I did not want to relive the ordeal again,” he said, but added that “what Netflix has shown is the truth.”

The couple disclosed that the five hijackers, though Muslim, were indeed codenamed “Bhola,” “Shankar,” “Doctor,” “Chief,” and “Burger”—a detail that has fueled the ongoing controversy. These aliases, however, were not a fabrication but an unsettling reality the passengers had to endure.

Netflix Updates Disclaimer of IC 814 Amid Backlash

In response to the backlash, Netflix India has updated the opening disclaimer of IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack. The new disclaimer now includes both the real and code names of the hijackers. Monika Shergill, Netflix Vice President (Content, India), confirmed the change during a recent event, acknowledging the criticism and aiming to provide more clarity to viewers.

A Dark Reflection on the Political Turmoil

The Netflix series, while focusing on the political negotiations between the hijackers and the Indian government, also touches upon the psychological torment the passengers endured. Pooja recalled how the hijackers tried to convert passengers to Islam, with one named “Doctor” giving speeches comparing religions, an experience that still haunts them to this day.

Memorabilia from the Nightmare: A Chilling Reminder

Pooja shared some personal items she has kept as memorabilia from the hijack—boarding passes, a shawl autographed by “Burger,” and even a can of Pakistani Pepsi. These artifacts serve as grim reminders of their fight for survival.

The Controversy of IC 814 Continues: What’s Next for Netflix?

With the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting summoning Netflix India content chief Monika Shergill for explanations, the controversy is far from over. Yet, the Katarias’ testimony adds a new layer of complexity to the debate, challenging the critics to reconsider their stance on what is real and what is sensationalized.

As the world watches, the IC 814 survivors’ voices remind us of the thin line between truth and fiction—and the enduring impact of a tragedy that continues to resonate 25 years later.

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