First Indian Army Strike on terror camps across the Manipur border. People HAIL #IndianArmy and #56InchRocks

IndianSurgicalStrike Manipur
Everyone is PROUDLY talking about the Indian Army (21 SF) operation in Northeast, against terrorism. After suffering several casualties in a terror attack early June, the Indian Army sought permission for a cross Border operation from the Govt and the PMO responded immediately.

‪#‎IndiaSurgicalStrike‬. India does amazing job immediately.
1) NSCN-K terrorists who did Manipur ambush killing 18 Indian soldiers, hid in 2 camps in Myanmar.
2) Indian army found out that more attacks were planned from Myanmar camps. Sent drones to locate camps.
3) One camp was east of Nagaland and another east of Manipur, ~150 KM south. Both well inside Myanmar.
4) Once the drones located the camps, Indian army top leadership sought a border crossing permission from PMO India. Got it quickly!
5) Planes carrying Indian Special Forces crossed into Myanmar after informing govt. No joint op with Myanmar army. All special commandos dropped strategically.
6) Indian Special Forces eliminated 20 NSCN-K terrorists in 2 camps inside Myanmar. Zero casualty for India which is unbelievable in a hostile foreign territory!
7) The army announced the success of this hot pursuit inside Myanmar only after every single Indian Special Forces commando reached home safely.

Stop turning the other cheek, Gen Bakshi Says, right it seems.

Elsewhere another IPS officer Sanjyukta is in news for leading the Cobra battalion with an AK-47 and kills 16 militant and 64 arrests. Bravo.

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