The feeling of being out of breath (dyspnea) is a sensation that is well known to those who suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Here is a shortlist of 5 natural ways to improve your oxygen levels that should help in reducing your dependence on costly tanks.
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1. Change Your Diet
Diet is everything. Antioxidants allow the body to use oxygen more efficiently increasing oxygen intake in digestion. When looking to boost antioxidant intake, the foods to focus on are blueberries, cranberries, red kidney beans, artichoke hearts, strawberries, plums and blackberries, most of which can be consumed in various juices and smoothies.
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2. Get Fit.
Exercise is key to a healthy life. 30 minutes a day of regular walking has greater effects on the circulatory system than spending an hour or more in the gym 2 to 3 times a week. walking has been shown to improve mood, confidence, and reduce stress.
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3. Fix Your Breathing
It’s recently been discovered that sick people breathe using the upper chest and inhale more air, which causes reduced oxygen levels in the body. In contrast, the correct method to proper breathing, is slow, from the diaphragm, and through the nose, rather than the mouth.
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4. Cleanse the Air
A helpful tool in reducing pollution in the air and purifying oxygen is a beeswax candle. The beeswax candle burns much slower than traditional wax or paraffin, so the candles themselves last longer and you’ll replace them less often.
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5. Stay Hydrated
When looking to get the full benefits of oxygenation, drink filtered water. Restructured or ionized water is micro-clustered with smaller groupings of water molecules.
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