Christiano Ronaldo accused of rape, firmly denies

Christiano Ronaldo, the Portugese forward player, five times recipient of the Ballon’D award has been accused of rape and sexual harassment by a woman. The woman has filed a case saying that the football star sexually assaulted her in Las Vegas in 2009. This is not the first incident when when people are hearing about the loose character of CR7.

The allegation is a part of the ‘Me Too’ movement which started after several woman accused Harvey Weinstein, the famous movie producer of Hollywood for sexual harassment. This allegation was followed my many harassment allegations on men from women all over the world. Kathryn Mongra, a former teacher is the lady that held Ronaldo accused. Her lawyer has said that the woman came out after getting inspired from the Me Too Moment.

Christiano Ronaldo has denied the allegation firmly saying that he is a person whose ideology and actions are something which are totally opposite to rape.

The fans of the star are supporting him and have expressed negative comments and views for the woman, but the question which  arises is that why will a woman blame a man for something that can have adverse effects on her life too, everyone knows the repercussions of messing with the celebrities and accusing them for harrassing.

The scenario can also be other way round, it may be possible that the woman is performing a publicity stunt, because getting one’s name taken with Christiano Ronaldo is also a big thing for people, after all no one can deny the fact that Ronaldo is a legend in football.

Here is the statement of the star, his fans who are against the woman and people who are supporting the lady:

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