Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray has urged party workers to take to the streets, burn auto-rickshaws and keep pursuing the ‘Marathi’ agenda. Speaking at an event to mark 10 years of MNS on Wednesday, MNS chief Raj Thackeray also accused the BJP government in Maharashtra of showing favours to Bajaj Auto. With 70,000 new autos ready to ply in the city, Bajaj Auto is set to make a whopping Rs 1,190 crore, he said. He alleged corruption in the purchase of new auto-rickshaws in Mumbai for which the BJP-led state government is issuing permits.
“I have been told that all Regional Transport Offices have been asked to issue 3,500 permits every day, saying the necessary domicile proving 15 years of residence in the state can be produced later. What is the hurry? I want to ask (CM) Devendra Fadnavis why this flash decision is being taken. Now, think of the volume of kickbacks in the entire deal and you will realise that there is no difference between the Congress and the BJP. “Only labels have changed,” he remarked, adding, “In that case, they (the Congress) were better.”
“As many as 70,000 new auto-rickshaws are set to ply in the city. Licences and driver’s badges for nearly 70% of these rickshaws will be given to ‘outsiders’. Our Marathi boys and girls are being ignored by the state government. As a mark of protest, MNS activists should set ablaze such auto-rickshaws, If you come across a new rickshaw with a new, shining number plate, request the passenger to step out of the rickshaw and set it ablaze,” Thackeray said.
People on twitter have got some really funny responses to this;
“New auto rickshaws should be burnt, but only after removing passengers”: Raj Thackeray.
‘Before microwaving, please remove packaging.’
— Sorabh Pant (@hankypanty) March 10, 2016
Raj Thackerays wife-say those 3 magical words
Raj Thackeray-Burn the AutoRickshaws— DaatanchiTaai (@runjhunmehrotra) March 10, 2016
When a non-marathi girl tried to kiss Raj Thackeray
— The-Lying-Lama (@KyaUkhaadLega) March 10, 2016
Pic 1: Rajnikant’s wife telling him Raj Thackeray’s threat to burn Autos.
Pic 2: Where is Raj Thackeray?
— Manoj Kumar Sahu (@ManojSahuG) March 10, 2016
After Raj Thackeray announced to burn down Auto Rickshaws of North Indian, A driver is escaping to Allahabad.(2016)
— History of India (@RealHistoryPic) March 10, 2016
“I am an auto-rickshaw. Bajaj made me. A non-Marathi drove me. Raj Thackeray burnt me.” – A short auto-biography.
— Ramesh Srivats (@rameshsrivats) March 10, 2016
There was Sita who had to give agnipariksha and then there’s Raj Thackeray who wants agni-par-rickshaw.
— Avinash Iyer (@IyerAvin) March 9, 2016
Aliens don’t visit Mumbai coz they can’t speak Marathi. Basically they are afraid of Raj Thackeray.
— Dude Criminal (@Stylebaaz) March 9, 2016
Donald Trump: ”Indians are taking away jobs from Americans!”
Basically, Donald Trump is just an international version of Raj Thackeray
— Devashish Palkar (@DevPalkar) February 28, 2016