Delhi Soccer Association is now Football Delhi.

The AIFF operates through its state Associations and the Football administration in Delhi is managed by the Delhi Soccer Association. The DSA has been in operation since long and has charge of  80 plus clubs across various divisions including both Men and Women.

With the growing focus on Football and increase in interest among the youth there has been a talk of bringing professionalism in management of the Footballing activities. With the success of the FIFA U17 in India, Football has taken the center stage. The Delhi State Association elections that were held in Nov 2017 also saw a complete change in the committee, with the election of a set of younger and internationally experienced Shaji Prabhakaran as the President.

The new President and the Office bearers have initiated an overhaul in the way the Association operates. The association is also getting a Branding makeover. Delhi Soccer Association is now FOOTBALL DELHI.

The branding has been created by Expereal, which is a three-year-old brand consulting company, based in Gurgaon. The New Logo is a combination of letters F and D written in a youthful Blue and Orange colour. There are 2 human figures of a man and a woman playing Football. The Logo also beautifully highlights ‘ALL DELHI’ as the guiding principal of the new outfit.

Football Delhi has engaged ITCombine a 6 year old Digital and Mobile solutions company based at Noida, for creating of the website, Digital and Mobile development. The website has a very professional look. The excellent UX makes it easy to comprehend and browse through the huge depth of content and activities showcased.

Now if you are looking for the DSA website, simply type

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