The process of creating a web page’s appearance by choosing the right color scheme, fonts, page layouts and many more is called Web Designing.
The content of all the web pages maybe different but the graphical design of all the pages is same.
Website templates play an important role in Web designing, the templates contain of all basic elements that are desired to be common in all the pages, the application of the template in the website includes involving all the basic elements of web design in all the pages such as the website’s CSS style, buttons, backgrounds, borders and various graphic elements like hover images, bullets and header banners.
Layout is an important aspect in the creation of a website, website designing does not mean just putting together a few pages.
The website should be created while keeping in mind that it has to be help the visitors achieve their goals, it shouldn’t just be a marketing tool.
The website should be designed in such a manner that visitors who stumble upon the site can immediately understand what the site is all about and what all can be done on the site.
A website is comprised of the following components :
- Container Block : It is used to put the content of a page, it is used in the form of a page’s body tag, a page can show content because of the container block.
- Company Logo : It is used to identify the company, the website of the company in various marketing platforms such as business cards, brochures and many more.
- Navigation Menu : Navigation menu is used to traverse through the website, on most webpages, the navigation menu is placed on the top right corner.
- Content of the website : The content of the website is the info you want to be there for the users, it should be concise and relevant to the purpose of the site.
- Footer Menu : It contains copyright, links to the main page of the site, links to the social media pages related to the site, contact information and is located at the bottom of the page.
- Whitespaces : They are the unused areas on the webpage, there importance is that they are used to separate the various sections of the page, it helps avoiding ambiguity while promoting the cause of the page and understanding of the content information of separate sections of a web page.
All these components have to be worked upon while mentaining the right balance between them.
Now, here are some tips for designing an efficient website :
- Efficient Web Communication : The information on the site should be to the point.
- Design Consistency : The graphics, color schemes and the font used on all the pages has to be consistent, the fonts that make it difficult to read should never be used.
- Usability and Utility : Easy navigation is most important for efficient user experience, a website succeeds or fails depending upon the usability and functionality it provides.
- Information Separation : Different units of information should be separated with white spaces to mentain the balance of the website.
- Navigation Link Visited Status : The navigation link that is visited should have a changed colour for a good user experience.
Some Website Development firms provide all the services required for designing a website, they hold a lot of experience in designing websites and their clients are happy and satisfied from their service since the website is designed while keeping in kind the prioritized wishlist of the client.
The author is an experienced digital media professional having experience of more than 25 years in leadership roles at several leading internet and media companies in India.