11 Soldiers Killed in IED Blast by Naxals in Chhattisgarh

On wednesday, 10 DRG members were coming from operation which is going on against maoist present in chhattisgarh. They were going to dantewada police station. On the way the IED was implanted by naxals and the blast allegedly killed all the soldiers who was in the van along with driver. This incident occured near aranpur area of dantewala.

DRG(District reserve guard) is a special force designed to carry out anti maoist operations.

Now as per updated report, the crfc along with senior officers have reached to the spot of accident and the bodies are being removed from that place. The search operation is going on.

In few years, the naxals upgraded their way of attack and their weapons also. It is the main concern that they have IED (Improvised explosive device). Now they attack on small group of soldiers. Its their new strategy. The number of attacks has decreased by time but the killings are high.

Speaking to media, CM Bhupesh Baghel said, “There is such information with us. It is very saddening. My condolences to the bereaved families. This fight is in its last stage. Naxals won’t be spared.”

Amit shah spoke CM Bhupesh Baghel to get to know about the incident and assured home for all the possible help to state government from central government.

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