We, Google employees and contractors, will walkout

“We, Google employees and contractors, will walkout on November 1, 2018 at 11:10 AM to demand five changes” this is a statement that caught the attention of all the people around the globe. Google is a big giant of technology, who does not, wants to be a part of its team, but on Thursday morning a wave of protests took place against the response of the company to the sexual harassment and about workplace inequality.

The fire of the protest ignited within the year 2014, Google gave Andy Rubin, the then senior vice president 90 Million Dollars as an exit package after he was accused of sexual harassment.

An hour later, after the Chief Executive Officer of Google, Sunder Pichai at a New York Times conference said that he was taking the notes on the concrete steps for the improvement of the company’s culture and HR procedures.

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